Employment guide

1. Tips for job searching
We know that choosing the right job is one of the most important decisions in your career, so below we will present some details to keep in mind for the first step towards the job interview.

Manpower provides you with all the information you need to easily find a job, to write a good CV, as well as recommendations on how to present yourself at the interview. Taking into account our advice, you will be able to choose the best option for your career.

Because self-assessment is the starting point when it comes to making a decision, your skills and competencies are the first things you'll need to consider when applying for your chosen position. That's why it's important to focus on personal development, investing in improving communication skills.

Even if it's been a long time since you've been looking for the job you want, don't give up on doing it because the results will come. The moment you are invited to an interview, prepare for the meeting and invest time in learning more details about the hiring company. A good knowledge of it will show if your values are found in those promoted by the organization, their compatibility being elementary at an optimal level of professional satisfaction.

During the meeting, use your potential to demonstrate that you know what you want, communicate correctly and coherently, and answer each request in as much detail as possible, and at the end do not hesitate to ask questions for the interviewer yourself.

Because the first impression matters, take into account the presence at the appointed time, the control of the emotions and the detailed knowledge of the entire CV that you used for the application.

A job interview can have several stages, and you will have to present yourself each time with a professional attitude.




2. Tips for a job interview
If you have been invited for a job interview then the recruiter believes that you have the skills and experience required for the role. This is your chance to prove it and demonstrate in person that you are the right person for the job.

Before the interview, research the organization, check the website and any recent articles, news that relate to it. It's important to know details about the company, the latest industry trends, and basic information such as the number of locations and employees. You can use this information during the interview to show that you are genuinely interested in the hiring company.

Ask a friend or family member to help you practice common interview questions to make sure you are comfortable being interviewed. And remember to prepare questions for the interviewer too - this will show them that you really want the job. Finally, remember that first impressions are important.

During the interview, show the interviewer that you are interested in the job by maintaining eye contact and using positive body language. Keep your answers to questions relevant and clearly articulate why you want the job. And remember not to rush. Collect your thoughts so you can give clear answers.

Be firm and try to avoid using tentative language such as "I feel like I could..." or "I think I can...". Do not speak negatively about previous employers, otherwise the interviewer may think you are a difficult employee. And don't forget to end on a positive note. Professionally summarize why you think you would be the best choice and thank the interviewer for considering you.




3. Tips for your CV
If you want to be successful in applying for a job, you should consider presenting a CV to support your experience, knowledge and skills. Companies are results-oriented, so it's important to highlight the way and skills that have led to those career results. Remember that honesty is the best policy, so make sure all information is accurate, up-to-date and without exaggeration.

Pay special attention to the layout of the editorial content of your CV, using correct spelling, as well as your full name and correct information about your experience and education. Try to keep your CV under four pages and avoid jargon and abbreviations.

Tailor your CV for each position you apply for, using keywords from the ad relevant to the industry. It is important to write it for the specific job, showing why you are suitable and how you can contribute to the development of the business.

4. How to prepare a letter of intend
Some employers require candidates to send them a letter of intend. From the recruiter's perspective, they want to know if you fit their criteria. From your perspective, it's another opportunity to make sure your app stands out from the crowd.

Your cover letter is designed to enhance your application, so don't repeat details from your CV. Be a little more personal and show the recruiter how your skills, qualifications and experience match the criteria mentioned in the job ad. Therefore, it is also important to tailor your cover letter to the specific job you are applying for.

Finally, don't forget to include accomplishments from previous jobs that you're proud of and that are relevant to the job you're applying for. In this way, you will demonstrate the value you can bring to the company. Remember to read carefully and avoid any grammatical or spelling mistakes.



5. Accepting a new job
If you've been offered a new role, it's important to make sure it's the right move for you. Before accepting the offer you need to think about whether this new job can offer you a work-life balance, whether does the job match your career goals or if you think you will be happy in this new role.

If necessary, do not hesitate to negotiate the salary offer or the benefits package.

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