The terms "Manpower" or "we" refer to the legal entities within ManpowerGroup in Romania, respectively:
- Manpower Romania S.R.L., a limited liability company under Romanian law, with its registered office in Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu no. 6Q, floor 10, area A, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania, registered at the Bucharest Trade Registry, with registration number J40/4299/2003, unique registration code 15327494 and
- Manpower HR S.R.L., a limited liability company under Romanian law, with registered office in Iuliu Maniu Boulevard no. 6Q, floor 10, area A rooms number 1 and 2, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania, registered at the Bucharest Trade Registry, with registration number J40/5258/2014, unique registration code 33121785.
This Contract contains the following essential clauses:
1. Acceptance of the Contract;
2. Object of the Contract;
3. Communications;
4. Errors;
5. Services;
6. Modification and termination;
7. Privacy policy;
8. Security;
9. The right to property;
10. Limitation of liability;
11. Applicable law and dispute resolution;
12. Miscellaneous;
13. Update;
14. How you can contact us.
1. Acceptance of the Contract
This is a Contract concluded between you and ManpowerGroup Romania ("Manpower"), and governs your use of this website and the content, information and services offered through it.
This Agreement also provides benefits to Manpower's affiliates, service providers and subcontractors, including various Manpower group companies (collectively "Affiliates and Suppliers").
Each use of the website by you is equivalent to your acceptance and agreement to be part of this Agreement and assumes that you assume responsibility and guarantee that you have the legal authority to accept this Agreement. If you do not agree with all the provisions of this Agreement or cannot accept this Agreement, please do not use this website.
2. Object of the Contract
This Agreement and all other agreements you have with Manpower or with Affiliates and Suppliers, present or future, together constitute the entire agreement regarding the access and use of the website and supersede all previous agreements (written, oral or otherwise) regarding your access to the website and its use.
In the event of an inconsistency or a conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of any agreement you have with Manpower or with Affiliates and Suppliers, present or future, the provisions of this Agreement will take precedence with regard to your access to the website and its use.
3. Communications
This website represents a portal and an information channel to other websites and companies of Affiliates and Suppliers. Affiliates and Suppliers may be third parties, independent of Manpower, whose websites may contain different terms and conditions or privacy policies.
Your interactions with Affiliates and Suppliers and the use of their websites will be carried out at your own risk. Therefore, Manpower is not and cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered by you resulting from or in connection with the use of these websites.
Regarding your interactions with Manpower, the provisions of this Agreement from the section entitled Limitation of Liability will apply to them.
All communications you send through the website or e-mail must be real, correct and complete. Manpower and its Affiliates and Suppliers will rely on the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the communications you transmit through the website.
If you transmit incorrect or incomplete data, Manpower is not and cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered by you resulting from or in connection with the transmission of such data.
You authorize Manpower and its Affiliates and Suppliers:
(a) accept communications that they receive from you through the website or electronic correspondence;
(b) disclose the communications of any Affiliates or Suppliers and Manpower employees through the website or through other methods of communication (for example, e-mail); and
(c) to respond to your communications through Internet communications, emails and other communication methods;
(d) the transmission to you of any communications from Manpower for advertising, marketing and publicity purposes, including commercial communications, such as newsletters, reports, news, offers, by any means, including electronic mail, telephone, sms, mms, courier.
Manpower may refuse to process any communications sent to Manpower through the Website at any time in Manpower's sole discretion and without notice or liability to you or any other person, including, without limitation, if:
(a) Manpower cannot process communications;
(b) The communications violate any of the provisions of this Contract or other agreements that you or other persons have with Manpower;
(c) Manpower believes that there is a conflict between the communications and any other instructions or agreements with you; or
(d) there is an operating error or a failure regarding the transmission of communications.
4. Errors
Manpower does its best to provide correct information through the website. However, we cannot exclude possible errors, outside of Manpower's control. Therefore, Manpower reserves the right to modify any information available on this website whenever it deems necessary.
5. Services
The provisions of this Agreement apply to any and all services offered by Manpower on this website.
Any and all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved to Manpower. Manpower reserves the right to modify the content of this Agreement, at its own discretion, at any time. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT OR AGREE WITH THESE TERMS OR ANY PART THEREOF, PLEASE DO NOT USE THE MANPOWER SERVICES INDICATED ON THIS WEBSITE. IF YOU USE THESE SERVICES OR ANY PART THEREOF, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT.
You may not sublicense, rent, lend or transfer in any other way any part of this website and/or any section of its content to any other person. Likewise, you may not change, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, exhibit, reproduce, publish or use in any other way this website without the prior written consent of Manpower.
6. Modification and termination
We reserve the right, at any time and for any reason, to limit, refuse, create different priorities for the use of this website, to modify or cancel certain functionalities or the entire functionality of the website or any part of it.
We have the right, at any time and for any reason, to suspend or cancel this website or any part of it, for any reason.
In consideration of the above, we reserve the right to terminate this Agreement at any time.
7. Privacy policy
Using this website, you can publish information and/or provide certain personal data to Manpower. Your personal data are made available to Manpower and are used in accordance with this Agreement and the Privacy and Protection of Personal Data Policy, its terms and conditions being integrated into the Agreement by this reference. For additional information about this policy, please consult our website, respectively the "Policy of confidentiality and protection of personal data" page.
8. Security
This website is protected by security systems. Manpower's security and privacy policies are reviewed periodically, as well as whenever we deem such revisions necessary.
However, this website, our server, databases, like most Internet applications, are vulnerable to various security aspects.
The data and information sent using this website may be subject to activities that violate confidentiality and security, beyond our control, including but not limited to electronic abuse, sending unsolicited messages, creating viruses, stealing IP addresses, cracking passwords, fraud etc., determining unauthorized access and other forms and activities that can be considered illegal.
We make every effort to prevent these situations, but we will not be responsible for any kind of damage or prejudice caused as a result of such actions.
9. Dreptul de proprietate
Manpower owns all intellectual property rights (including copyright) over this website and over any part of it.
The materials published by Manpower on this website may contain additional information regarding descriptions of products, services, processes or technologies owned by Manpower or third parties. No provision of this Agreement and/or of any other section of the website shall be interpreted as granting a license for any copyright or intellectual and/or industrial property right of Manpower or a third party.
Copyright © ManpowerGroup Romania 2017. All rights reserved. The website and all information, including but not limited to information in the form of text, graphics, video or audio information, images, design, applications, models, data and any other elements available on or through the website are the property of Manpower , Affiliates and Suppliers and are protected in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Your use of this website will not transfer any ownership rights regarding the website or its content.
Any brands and logos that appear on this website are owned, licensed or used based on rights conferred in this regard by Manpower, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.
Any unauthorized use of them is strictly prohibited. In the event of any unauthorized use, we reserve the right to take any and all legal measures necessary to resolve such situations, including notification to the competent criminal investigation bodies.
10. Limitation of liability
Your use of this website is at your own risk. This website is provided "AS IT IS" and "AS AVAILABLE", without representations or warranties (for example, availability, accuracy or completeness), Manpower and its Affiliates and Suppliers limiting their liability to any and all of the above .
We also ask you to consult the "Limitation of liability" section of this website which details the terms and conditions applicable in this regard.
11. Applicable law and dispute resolution
This Agreement, the use of the website by you and any other aspect related to this website are governed exclusively by the legislation applicable in Romania, excluding any rules of private international law or conflict of laws that could determine the application of another legal framework.
Any dispute or request arising from or associated with this Contract and whose amicable resolution is not possible within 90 days from the date of its occurrence will be submitted for resolution to the competent Romanian courts.
12. Miscellaneous
This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties regarding its object and replaces and cancels any previous contracts or agreements between the Parties, whether verbal, written or implicit, previously in force regarding the same object.
In the event that any provision of this Contract is declared invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be automatically removed from the Contract. Such finding will not affect the validity or applicability of the other provisions of this Agreement. The invalid or inapplicable provision will be replaced by a valid and applicable provision within this Agreement.
No consent or waiver by either party to the breach or default by the other party in its actions regarding obligations under this Agreement shall be deemed or construed to be a consent to or waiver of a continuing breach or default by the other party. the other side.
13. Update
The content of this document can be updated periodically, by republishing the revised version on the page you are currently viewing. In case of significant changes, we will inform you about them through easily visible notices posted on our website, indicating at the beginning of the document when the most recent update was made. The revised version enters into force on the date of publication on the website. It is entirely your responsibility to check the content of this page to be up to date with the latest version of this document.
14. Ethics and conduct in business
ManpowerGroup promotes honesty and ethical behavior throughout the organization. If you are interested in these aspects, you can consult ManpowerGroup's Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. In addition to its role in providing guidance in recognizing and resolving ethical issues, the document also provides a mechanism for reporting unethical behavior through the ManpowerGroup Ethics Hotline to help maintain a culture of honesty and responsibility throughout the company .
Limitation of liability
The terms "Manpower" or "we" refer to the legal entities within ManpowerGroup in Romania, respectively:
- Manpower Romania S.R.L., a limited liability company under Romanian law, with its registered office in Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu no. 6Q, floor 10, area A, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania, registered at the Bucharest Trade Registry, with registration number J40/4299/2003, unique registration code 15327494 and
- Manpower HR S.R.L., a limited liability company under Romanian law, with registered office in Iuliu Maniu Boulevard no. 6Q, floor 10, area A rooms number 1 and 2, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania, registered at the Bucharest Trade Registry, with registration number J40/5258/2014, unique registration code 33121785.
This document also provides benefits to Manpower's affiliates, service providers and sub-contractors, including various Manpower group companies (collectively "Affiliates and Suppliers").
Your use of this website is at your own risk. This website is provided as available, namely "AS IT IS" and "AS AVAILABLE", without representations and warranties (for example, availability, accuracy or completeness), Manpower and its Affiliates and Suppliers limiting their liability to any and all of the above.
For the purpose of using this website, you are solely responsible for obtaining, configuring and maintaining in any way the hardware, software, telephone services and any other equipment and services necessary for you to use this website.
By accessing the website, you agree to the Limitation of Liability. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions in this section, we ask you to stop using the website.
The Internet is not a safe environment, it being possible to interrupt, stop access, as well as the accidental or deliberate violation of the security and confidentiality of information, as a result of situations beyond our control.
Thus, the use of this website can be affected by numerous factors beyond Manpower's control.
Manpower, Affiliates and Suppliers will not be liable to you or to any third parties for any damage suffered by you as a result of any of the events mentioned above, nor for any damage suffered by you as a result of any operational failure. , changes or withdrawals of the website. Consequently, the content of the website is available without guarantees, express or implied, including but not limited to the accuracy, timeliness and/or completeness of the information provided.
Without limiting the foregoing, and subject to applicable law, Manpower, its Affiliates and Suppliers make no representation or warranty that:
- The website will be compatible with your computer and with the associated equipment and software;
- The website will be available or will work without interruption or will not have errors or that any of the errors will be corrected;
-The website corresponds to your requirements;
- The information contained on this website or in connection with it will be correct and complete;
- The fact that some or certain results can be obtained through the use of this website;
-Using the website, downloading any information will not generate viruses or any other destructive or disruptive components.
Manpower, as well as its representatives, any agents, including its Affiliates and Suppliers, will not be liable to you or other third parties for any direct or indirect damages, or for other damages of any other nature in connection with the use of this website, any content found on the website or accessed through its use.
Your acknowledgment and acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in this document constitutes a correct allocation of assumed risks and responsibility.
Links to the website are prohibited without the explicit written permission of Manpower. Framing (placing the site in another site), mirroring (copying) the site, scraping (copying content from the site and republishing it in another location) altering the data available on the website or its content in any form and by any method are strictly prohibited.
The content of this document can be updated periodically, by republishing the revised version on the page you are currently viewing. In case of significant changes, we will inform you about them through easily visible notices posted on our website, indicating at the beginning of the document when the most recent update was made. The revised version enters into force on the date of publication on the website. It is entirely your responsibility to check the content of this page to be up to date with the latest version of this document.
Declaratie pe propria raspundere
Dumneavoastra puteti utiliza acest website si oricare parte a acestuia, numai in scopuri legale. In scopul utilizarii, declarati si garantati ca sunteti un utilizator de buna credinta.
Este RESPONSABILITATEA DUMNEAVOASTRA sa va asigurati ca utilizati acest website in conformitate cu termenii si conditiile indicati pe acest website in sectiunile „Termeni si conditii de utilizare”, „Politica de confidentialitate si protectia datelor cu caracter personal”, „Politica privind modulele cookie”, „Limitarea raspunderii”.
Nu aveti dreptul sa utilizati acest website sau oricare parte a acestuia pentru:
(i) a efectua orice activitate care este sau care poate fi direct sau indirect ilegala;
(ii) a efectua orice activitati care vor incalca sau care ar putea incalca drepturile unui tert, inclusiv dreptul de a transmite un continut asupra caruia nu aveti dreptul, si
(iii) a oferi, solicita sau acorda accesul public la orice continut la care aveti acces in mod individual. In plus, pentru a ne permite sa mentinem fiabilitatea si eficienta acestui website, dumneavoastra acceptati in mod expres sa nu furnizati informatii si raspunsuri irelevante, inselatoare sau gresite la intrebarile sau solicitarile din cadrul acestui website.
Dumneavoastra garantati si afirmati ca:
1. NU veti pretinde ca sunteti o alta persoana si ca nu veti prezenta inexact niciun fel de informatie in legatura cu persoana dumneavoastra;
2. NU veti furniza informatii incomplete, false sau inexacte in nicio cerere depusa prin intermediul acestui website;
3. NU veti transmite orice continut sau informatie care contine virusi, nu veti efectua abuzuri electronice, nu veti frauda sau falsifica, ignora drepturile oricarei alte terte parti, nu veti utiliza fara drept adrese IP, nu veti permite accesul neautorizat;
4. NU veti sterge sau altera in orice alt mod niciun fel de material publicat de o terta parte.
Actualizarea continutului Declaratiei
Continutul acestei Declaratii poate fi actualizat periodic, prin republicarea versiunii revizuite in pagina pe care o vizualizati la acest moment. In cazul unor modificari semnificative va vom informa depre acestea prin note de informare usor vizibile postate pe website-ul nostru, indicand la inceputul documentului cand a fost facuta cea mai recenta actualizare. Versiunea revizuita intra in vigoare la data publicarii pe website. Responsabilitatea de a verifica continutul acestei pagini pentru a fi la curent cu cea mai recenta versiune a acestui document va revine in totalitate.
Acordul utilizatorului
Prin accesarea si/sau utilizarea acestui website si/sau a oricaror servicii indicate in cadrul acestuia, precum si prin inregistrarea pe acest website ca urmare a accesarii sectiunii “Inregistrare”, va exprimati acordul asupra continutului urmatoarelor documente:
Termeni si Conditii de Utilizare;
Politica de confidentialitate si protectia datelor cu caracter personal;
Limitarea raspunderii;
Politica privind modulele cookie;
Declaratie pe propria raspundere.
Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie documentele mentionate.
Continutul acestui Acord poate fi actualizat periodic, prin republicarea versiunii revizuite in pagina pe care o vizualizati la acest moment. In cazul unor modificari semnificative va vom informa despre acestea prin note de informare usor vizibile postate pe website-ul nostru, indicand la inceputul documentului cand a fost facuta cea mai recenta actualizare. Versiunea revizuita intra in vigoare la data publicarii pe website. Responsabilitatea de a verifica continutul acestei pagini pentru a fi la curent cu cea mai recenta versiune a acestui document va revine in totalitate.
Cum ne puteti contacta
Daca aveti intrebari sau comentarii cu privire la acest document puteti depune o cerere scrisa prin posta la urmatoarea adresa: Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu nr. 6Q, etaj 10, zona A, sector 6, București, România sau prin e-mail la urmatoarea adresa de e-mail: